Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Brrrrrrrrrr! It's Snow Joke!

A couple of photos from the Caledonian Canal at Dochgarroch.
Would love to see your photos of winter on the canal.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



This year's forum, hosted by British Waterways, will take place on Saturday 27th November at The Ramada Jarvis Hotel, from 10.45am until about 1.00pm including refreshments and lunch.

If you haven't received your invitation yet, please contact British Waterways at the Seaport Marina on 01463 725500.

We hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you on the day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Boat Jumble 30 October 2010



FROM 10.00AM TO 1.00PM

SELLERS £10 each pitch, Free entry and
free parking

232102 OR 01381 620932


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

photo comp

Hi heres our entry for photo comp hope this is right place for it or should it be the bin pic 1 scott playing pirates pic 2 "is it a sausage or was it the dog??????
thanks for a great day
regards Scooby 2 and the crew (poetic or what)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came along to the Gala on Saturday 4th September.

We were blessed with a fine, warm and sunny day and we hope you enjoyed your time there.

Congratulations to all who won prizes on the Raffle and commiserations to those who didn't!

Don'y forget your entry to the Photograph Competition - Prizes To Be Won!

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following,

The six new members of GGCUA who joined on the day

Russell Thomson, Manager of Highland Waterways Scotland, for the very excellent donation to the raffle of a free annual navigation licence.

Caley Marina and the Co-op, Inverness for their generous donation of gift vouchers

Sue Boyland, GGCUA Secretary, for her time, energy, IT skills and as coffee maker extraodinairre

Mike Webster, master seller of raffle tickets and membership promotions expert

Capt. Paul Homer, GGCUA Treasurer, for taking out so many on the pioner multi trips to Loch Ness, and for bringing them back again! and to Alan Hogan, Caley Marina, for lending the boat

Stan the Sound and Lighting Man, for keeping his hair on despite the power supply problems

Inverness Sea Scouts for lending us two fine gazebos

Wilma and Graham for lending us their fine gazebos, and Graham Jnr. for providing muscles to put them up, and take them down, as well as many other heavy weight tasks

Rhona, Dochgarroch Hall, for the loan of tables for the boat jumble

And last, but not least! Our Lock Keeper of the Day.... DJ!.... without whose support none of this would likely have happened.



Monday, August 23, 2010

Telford Street, Inverness

A BIG thank you to DANNY SIMPSON, manager of the CO-OP store on Telford Street for the generous donation of two £10 gift vouchers as RAFFLE PRIZES for the GGCUA GALA being held at Dochgarroch on Saturday 4th September.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

GGCUA GALA - Update and Prize Announcements

Great Glen Canal Users Association
2010 Gala

4th September


Boat Jumble from 1 pm
Bring along any of your unwanted boat items to sell or come and find a bargain.
Tables will be available.

BBQ and Music from 4 pm
Please bring your own food and drink, BBQs will be available for cooking including vegetarian only.

Trips onto Loch Ness by Pioner Multi

Prize Raffle
  • GRAND PRIZE Annual Scottish Waterways Navigation Licence (courtesy of British Waterways Scotland) *
  • Caley Marina Gift Voucher
  • Hamper of Scottish Produce
  • Selection of Whiskey, Wine and Beer
  • Annual Membership to GGCUA
  • Narrowboat Collectors Tea Pot
  • A booby prize
  • and anything else we can get our hands on.
*Valid for use for someone who already has a long term home mooring on the canal or at Caley Marina.

Photo of the Day Prize Competition
Entries to be submitted to GGCUA no later than 30 September 2010. To be judged by a professional photographer.
  • Prizes:
  • Caley Marina Gift Voucher
  • Annual Membership to GGCUA
  • Bottle of Wine

Come Along and Enjoy Some Fun

For further information and enquiries please contact GGCUA at or telephone 0798 628 2184

GGCUA GALA 4 September Dochgarroch

Great Glen Canal Users Association
2010 Gala

4 September

Events on the day include

Boat Jumble from 1 pm
Bring along any of your unwanted boat items to sell

BBQ and Music from 4 pm
Please bring your own food and drink, BBQs will be available for cooking including vegetarian only.

Trips on Loch Ness by Pioner Multi

Prize Raffle

Photo of the Day Prize Competition
Entries to be submitted to GGCUA no later than 30 September 2010.

Come Along and Enjoy Some Fun

For further information and enquiries please contact GGCUA at or telephone 0798 628 2184

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Family at Fort Augustus

We found this lovely new family up at Fort Augustus a couple of weeks ago when we went through. All appear to be doing well, although we did spot some Chinese visitors trying to feed them dark chocolate! Not a good idea!

Friday, July 9, 2010



Banners to help raise awareness of speeding on the canal were unvailed today at Dochgarroch.

Designed by British Waterways specifically to highlight the issue of the need to slow down when passing moored craft, they now adorn the walk ways across the lock gates.

Over the coming weeks we shall monitor their effectiveness and feed back to British waterways.

Let's hope we all "feel the difference".

A BIG THANK YOU to Russell Thomson, Highland Waterways Manager, and the team of Waterways staff involved.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Spring day at Clachnaharry


Heading for the sea lock.

Thursday, July 1, 2010



An extraordinary natural event is currently taking place at Dochgarroch.

The lake adjacent to the towpath road, east side, is unleashing its brood of froglets and toadlets in tens of thousands. Large "clumps" of the wee creatures can be seen in the undergrowth along the side of the towpath road awaiting the cool night before dispersing. The lake has large dark areas where thousand upon thousand are awaiting their time to leave.

If you get the chance, come down now and take a look. But be careful, they're everywhere and easily get squished underfoot.

Do you have photographs of something wild going on in your part of the canal? Please feel free to share on this blog.

Not signed up yet? send an email to and we'll reply with your link. All you need is a google account and away you go. If you don't have a google account, our reply will prompt you on how to set one up, it's easy, it's free.

Friday, June 25, 2010



GGCUA is co-ordinating a meeting to be held at 6pm on Saturday 3rd July 2010 at Dochgarroch East aboard the Dutch Barge "Geertruida".

As a result of recent communications with British Waterways, this meeting has been organised for local boat owners, residents and any other Association member who wishes to express their concerns, interests, views and opinions on the management of canal bank and canal side vegetation along the moorings at Dochgarroch.

British Waterways has expressed their interest in hearing your views prior to a revision of the 2011 plans for cutting of vegetation along the embankments.

Perhaps these photographs may offer a contrast of possibility.

For further information, or to air your views if you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact us via email, or by letter to GGCUA, c/o Dochgarroch Hall Cottage, Inverness IV3 8JG or by telephone on 07986282184.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, June 4, 2010



Further to the blog of 21st May, we've been contacted by Rob Robinson, Trail Design Consultant for the Great Glen Canoe Trail and were able to discuss a couple of issues familiar to Association members at this time of year, speeding craft and overstretched facilities.

Speeding on the canal by powered craft is a matter of concern for canoeists, kayakers, rowers and berth holders at pontoons. As GGCUA raised this with British Waterways a short while back, it was good to reinforce the concern with Rob. I understand it is a matter he will raise again with BW.

No news yet on when the banner re. raising awareness of speed limits will be displayed across the lock gate walkway at Dochgarroch.

With regards to toilet and shower facilities, we understand that BW are looking to upgrade those facilities that are inadequate for their level of use, but this is constrained by funding and may be some time before realization.

Rob tells us that wild camping sites with eco-toilets will be created at certain sites along the trail for the use of canoeists/kayakers. He also reports that the current system of access to toilet/shower facilities by BW key is being discussed with the possibility of a change to coded press button access (codes being changed on a regulas basis). Again, it will be some time before this happens, if at all. This at least will foil those who sell BW keys on Ebay!

Will update you with further news shortly. In the meantime, if you want access to "GGCUA Team Blog", where you can post your own news, information, sales or wants, photographs etc., please send us an email to: - we will reply through email with your link. If you are already a team blogger, 'bout time you started blogging!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Further to David's post here are more examples of Springtime on the canal bank - Wood Anemones, Primroses and even the odd Bluebell appearing from the devastation wrought by B.W.'s expert wildlife demolition operatives!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Beautiful springtime on the banks of the Caledonian Canal at Dochgarroch. Everything growing so fast after a long hard winter. From long drifts of glorious bluebells to clumps of greater stitchwort and so much more to come.



A Project in the making over the last two years, now nearing completion, follows the success of the current three recreational routes through the Great Glen, those being by boat, bicycle and by foot.

Over recent years the route has become increasingly popular for canoeists and kayakers and the Great Glen Canoe Trail is now formalising this use including the provision of suitable information and facilities along the way.

The Project is led by British Waterways in association with its partners; Forrestry Commission Scotland, The Great Glen Way/Highland Council, the Scottish Canoe Association, Scottish Natural Heritage and various local activity providers.

We have recently had contact from Project Officer, Donald MacPherson, who has provided us with information about the Trail and by Trail Design Consultant, Rob Robertson, who has asked for input from GGCUA regarding any issues that may arise for Association members in respect of the proposed plans, eg: safety concerns, general improvements to the Trail and new facilities etc.

There will be some discussion with Rob next week and we will report back to you afterwards.

In the meantime, if you would like further information and/or wish to make any comment, please get in touch.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


We have received a reply from Russell Thompson, Highland Waterways Manager, in response to matters raised at the last Association meeting. The following covers Russell's reply:

Bridge Opening Times - Russell reports that there have been no major issues for road users since new bridge opening times came into effect in Inverness and he is glad that the new protocol is not having too detrimental an effect. He thanks us for our support at the public meetings in highlighting the needs of boat users.

Power Bollards - Access to RCD switches on pontoon electricity bollards is restricted to BW staff instructed in their use and is a British Waterways National Standard. Russell appreciates that this is not ideal for the boat owner and he will revisit this matter. In the meantime, he asks that anyone wanting to connect/disconnect from a bollard contacts a BW staff member for assistance.

Speeding Craft - Russell has asked Mike Lofts to contact The Jacobite Queen and Caley Cruisers (no mention of West Highland Sailing). He has also asked him to talk with the Sea Scouts after complaints of evening use of powered craft close to pontoons at Muirtown Basin.

Russell has also asked colleagues to design banners for the lock gate walkways at Dochgarroch as a summer trial to raise awareness of the problem of speeding. He would welcome our views on its effectiveness.

If you have any views on the above matters, or on any other matter that you would like to voice, please get in touch with us via letter, phone or email. You can, of course, post your own blog on this site. If you haven't signed up to the GGCUA Team Blog yet (Association members only), just send us an email. We'll reply with a link and it's as easy as that.

More GGCUA news coming soon.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How about this then?



Thank you to Ian, our first "Team Blogger".

We hope many more of you will sign up in the near future. If you haven't received the latest GGCUA mailout about open access for members to this blog site, please get in touch and we'll provide you with all the information you need.

Thought I'd try uploading a photograph to see if that works too. Seems to. This is a stoat clearing out a brown rat's nest from canalside undergrowth opposite my boat at Dochgarroch about 18 months ago. Watched him/her for about twenty minutes (lots of photos) as five rats were disposed off.

Anyone else got wildlife photos from The Caledonian Canal?

Looking forward to your posts.

From David Bird

Hi Everybody!

If I can get here, anyone can so let's be hearing from you!

Ian Chatham.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Latest News from GGCUA

Thank you to all who attended the recent Association meeting.

The matters arising of: new bridge opening times, health and safety at electricity bollards and speeding craft on the canal have been forwarded to British Waterways for comment which we will feedback to you once received.

It has been decided to offer the Association membership "open access" to this blog site in order that you can post your own blogs. These can be anything from boat stuff wanted, or for sale, sharing waterways experiences, passing on relevant information etc., etc. All that we ask is that your blogs are lawful and that you do not change the structure of the site itself.

The new password and instructions on how to post a blog will be sent to you shortly.

It was also decided to put together a GGCUA boat gathering later on in the summer. We will get back to you re. dates and venue etc. shortly. We will also look at putting on a boat jumble which has proven popular in the past.

Last but not least, we would like to welcome Sue Boyland onboard the Association committee as Secretary. Thank you to Sue. For the time being, both David Bird and Paul Homer will continue in their roles as Chair and Treasurer respectively.

In the meantime, we wish you all a great start to the new boating season and look forward to your company in the near future.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Annual General Meeting 2010

Dear Members of the Great Glen Canal Users Association,
By now you should have received your invitation to this year's Annual General Meeting which will be held on Saturday 10th April at 18:00 to be held at the conference room (above the shower facilities), Caley Marina (refreshments available). Further information can be obtained from David Bird on 0798 6282184.
We look forward to seeing on the day.
Also, membership fees will become due at the end of March and can be renewed either at the AGM or by post. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.